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Gas accumulation analysis of upper Paleozoic coal in Jiyang depression(PDF)


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Gas accumulation analysis of upper Paleozoic coal in Jiyang depression
ZHOU Jian-lin
1.Geochemistry Institute ofChina Academy ofScience, Guiyang 550002, China;2.Education and Training Department ofShengli Petroleum Administrative Bureau, Dongying Shandong 257000, China
Jiyang depression coal-formed gasmain controlling factor model of pool formationHenan
Based on the analysis of known gas pools in Jiyang depression, it is pointed out that the sediment-burial history is the critical factor for the formation of coal-formed gas pool. The pool formation types can be divided into two categories and six sub- categories according to sediment-burial history and other factors such as tectonic movement, reservoir conditions, reservation condi- tions and integrity of trap. Among these gas pool formation types there are three types which are very important in Jiyang depres- sion, i.e., Mesozoic era subsidence-Cenozoic era subsidence model; Mesozoic era subsidence-Cenozoic era swell model and Mesozoic era swell-Cenozoic era subsidence model. Every model has different character and its exploration goal and resource potential are variable. The most favorable model is Mesozoic era subsidence-Cenozoic era subsidence, such as south slope of Huimin sag and Guxi fault belt of Zhanhua sag.


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Last Update: 2004-06-20