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Origin and characteristics of salt-water intrusion disaster in the downstream of Weihe River on the south coast of Laizhou Bay(PDF)


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Origin and characteristics of salt-water intrusion disaster in the downstream of Weihe River on the south coast of Laizhou Bay
LIU En-feng13ZHANG Zu-lu2SHEN Ji1SONG Jun-feng4
1 .Nanjing Institute of Geography &Limnology , Chinese Academy of Sciences , Nanjing 210008 , China ;2 .Geography Dept .of Shandong Normal University , Jinan 250014 , China ;3 .Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences , Beijing 100039 , China
the lower reaches of Weihe River environmental changesalt-water intrusion variation characteristics
As one of the typical environmental disasters at south strand plain in Laizhou Bay , occurrence , development and variation of saltwater intrusion have close relationship with paleo-environmental evolution since Late Pleistocene , and with modern environmental change and human activities.There were three times of sea-level fluctuation corresponding to the paleo-climate evolution , which had formed the sediments of alternative sea and river facies .The alternative changes of paleo-environment favored the formation and imbedding of brine , which is the source of salt-water intrusion;and the paleochannel that formed during regressive of sea level is the path of salt-water intrusion .Large scale salt-water intrusion has been occurred since late 1970' s due to freshwater exploitation by human activity .The genesis and variation characteristics are suggested on the basis of the analysis of typical groundwater hydro-chemical section monitoring , geographical prospection data and hydro-chemical analysis from more than 100 geological cores .


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Last Update: 2004-09-20