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Geochemistry and tectonic setting of Xishan aluminous A-type granitic volcanic-intrusive complex , Southern Hunan(PDF)


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Geochemistry and tectonic setting of Xishan aluminous A-type granitic volcanic-intrusive complex , Southern Hunan
FU Jian-ming 12MA Chang-qian 1XIE Cai-fu 2ZHANG Ye-ming 2PENG Song-bai 2
1 .Facul ty of Ear th Sciences , China University of Geosciences , Wuhan 430074 , China ; 2.Y ichang Institute of Geology and Minera l Resources , Hubei Yi chang 443003 , China
volcanic-intrusive complex A-type granite geochemistry tectonic setting Xishan Southern Hunan
Xishan volcanic-intrusive complex , with exposure area of about 705 km2 in Southern Hunan occurs in the western part of Nanling E-W tectonic magmatic belt .Petrochemically , the complex is metaluminous to peraluminous0 .94 ~ 1 .26) , rich in SiO2 , K2O+Na2O, poor in CaO , MgO , and is characterized by hig h FeO*/ MgO ratio with an average of 12.05), which is similar to tho se of A-ty pe g ranite and different from the ordinary S- and I-type granites .Xishan complex is rich in Ga and Nb , Ta , Zr and other high field streng th elements , and depeleted in Sr , P, Eu , Ti, w hich can well be analogued to the know n A-type g ranites in the w orld .Iso to pically , the Complex is hig her in initial Sr ratios Isr =0 .716 12 ~ 0 .718 23) , lower in εNd -7 . 0 ~ -8 .0) ;their T2DM1 517~ 1 600 Ma)is slightly lower than those of the metamo rphic basement and Mesozoic granitoids in the southern-eastern China , indicating that the complex was mainly derived from crustal material, but had a little influence of mantle-derived materials.Based on the major and trace element data as w ell as isotopic features, it is suggested that Xishan volcanic- intrusive complex belong to the post-collisio nal aluminous A-type g ranite .I t is commonly accepted that A-type granite was derived from the I-type sources o r crustal sources from w hich S-type melt has been ex tracted.The preliminary study on Xishan volcanic- intrusive complex show s that A-ty pe g ranite can be directly derived from ty pical S-type crustal sources, its petrogenesis mechanism need further investig ation.Acco rding to the geolog ical characteristics and combining w ith the regional tectonic evolution, it is reasonable tha t the fo rmation of Xishan complex should be related to the asthenospheric upwelling and lithospheric ex tensio n and thinning during the Mesozoic .


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Last Update: 2004-12-20