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Preliminary studies of urbanized former villages within Xi' an(PDF)


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Preliminary studies of urbanized former villages within Xi' an
GUO Yan1LIU Lei1FENG La-mei2
1 .School of Ear th S cience and Resources Management , Chang' an Uni versity , Xi ' an 710054 , China ; 2 .Beij ing CASW Data Technology Co ., Ltd , Beijing 100101 , China
villages within citiespresent situation reformation Xi' an
The villages w ithin cities are particular phenomena during the urbanization in China .With the ev er -increasing city planning process of Xi' an and the drastic economic competition among regions, newly g rowing up hig h buildings and large mansions, especially those inside the Second Round Road of Xi' an, are gradually surrounding many villages.Those urbanized former villages are distinct in dirty , chaotic and poorly planned circumstances from the rest of the city .The behindh and management system , complex resident structure and dangerous insitu constructions largely hinder the environmental improvement of the vithin-city villages .I t is thus impera tiv e to study relevant conditions and think about a refo rm .The refo rmation should be based on the sharing of the benefit , the chang ing of the system , the building of the legal system and the ideology etc .Responding the State Department' s call of the third total planning of Xi' an, w e will finally reach the prosperity in integration of the city with the villages .The paper discusses the present situation and problems of Xi' an' s villages within cities with examples in Hou village and Jitai village , and presents some proposals, for example , the villagers' interests must be assured, the relative laws and regulations must be consummated, and the property right must be reformed quickly and so forth.


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Last Update: 2004-12-20