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Feasibility of Satellite Remote Sensing Image About Spatial Resolution(PDF)


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Feasibility of Satellite Remote Sensing Image About Spatial Resolution
ZHANG Ting-binTANG Ju-xingLIU Deng-zhong
School of Earth Sciences, Chengdu University of Technology, Chengdu 610059, Sichuan, China
satellite remote sensing image spatial resolution mapping scales feasibility
The definition of satellite remote sensing image spatial resolution is given and its affecting factors are dis- cussed. According to varied requirements for different research domains and mapping scales, the corresponding image spatial resolutions are proposed. For the surveying and mapping, the size of satellite remote sensing image spatial resolu- tion for the series of scales of maps is uetermined by using remotely sensed imagery data.Based the analysis about spatial resolution of satellite remote sensing technology, the application is analyzed with cases about mainly remote sensing sources, and then some technical problems are pointed out. And finally some suggestions are put forward.


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Last Update: 2006-03-20