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Sinian System Pb-Zn Deposit Types and Prospecting Direction of Upper Yangtze Plateform(PDF)


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Sinian System Pb-Zn Deposit Types and Prospecting Direction of Upper Yangtze Plateform
QI Wen12HOU Man-tang2WANG Gen-bao2
1. School of Resources, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan 430074, Hubei, China; 2. Geological Surveying Institution of Shaanxi, Xi’an 710054, Shaanxi, China
upper Yangtze plateform Sinian system Pb-Zn deposits genetic type prospecting direction
The dominating stratigraphy containing Pb-Zn deposits in upper Yangtze platform is the Sinian system in which the Dengying formation and the Doushantuo formation developed. Based on the genetic types of Pb-Zn deposits from the Sinian system in Yangtze platform, the Pb-Zn deposits can be classified into four types: the first is superimposed deposits, the second is strata-bound deposits, the third is hydrothermal sedimentary-trans- formation deposits and the fourth is hydrothermal sedimentary-reformed deposits; the four types are further di- vided into Pb-rich type, Zn-rich type and Pb-Zn paragenesis type by ratios of Pb to Zn. The Mayuan Pb-Zn de- posit in Nanzheng, Daliangzi Pb-Zn deposit in Huidong are the representative deposits in Zn rich. The districts developed the Sinian system are the most favorable areas to explore Pb-Zn deposits: Nanzheng, Ziyang-Zhenping in Shaanxi, Wudang, Shennongjia, Huangling in Hubei and Anning river, Ganluo-Xiaojiang, Ebian-Xundian in the west edge of the platform.


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Last Update: 2006-06-20