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Actuality and Development of Fine Geology(PDF)


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Actuality and Development of Fine Geology
WU Shi-y ong12LI Zi-an1
1. Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510640, Guangdong, China; 2. School Graduate, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100039, China
fine geology genetic unit structure unit flow unit outside-delimited reservoir review
At the later stage of water-driven exploitation, some problems appeared, one is the high water content in the oil strata, and the other is a great deal of surplus oil detained in the strata. To enhance recovery ratio, it is necessary to have a better understand on the micro-heterogeneity of reservoir. As a measure to resolve these prob- lems, the study of fine geology gets along very well. Based on the geometric features of reservoir, structure and the spatial variation of bore-seepage, this paper carries out the following six aspects:① accurate division of ex- ploitation units;② description of continuity of genetic unit;③ division of internal structure unit of sand-body;④ investigation of flow unit of reservoir;⑤ research of outside-delimited reservoir;⑥ geologic modeling. At last, three developing trends of fin geology are put forward to afford some ideas for the future researches. So it will of- fer some effective technologies for the sustainable development of oilfield.


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Last Update: 2006-06-20