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Application of High Pressure Jet Grouting Method in Pile-based Underpinning Reinforcement of Build-up Buildings(PDF)


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Application of High Pressure Jet Grouting Method in Pile-based Underpinning Reinforcement of Build-up Buildings
WEI Yu-guangZHANG Ai-xin
Gansu Non- ferrous Engineering Exploration and Design Research Institute, Lanzhou 730000, Gansu, China
high pressure jet pouring method complicated sub-grade underpinning reinforcement
The community buildings have sub-grades that sinks asymmetrically because it consists of much break- ing sandstones. Considering the given situation of the engineering condition, sub-grade and structure characteris- tic of the buildings, the sub-grade is reinforced with the high pressure jet grouting method, and some special measurements are carried out to ensure the technology of making holes,infusing mud and construction procedure. Before and during the reinforcement, the sub-grade sinks quickly. However, after the reinforcement, the velocity of settlement becomes slower. And two months later, the sub-grade becomes steady . The reinforcement engi- neering confirms that the high pressure jet grouting method can be used effectively to reinforce complex founda- tions of the existing buildings, but to achieve the anticipant result, practicable technique should also be taken ac- cording to the characteristics of the foundation soil at the same time. The principle of the reinforcement has the function of the replaced reinforcement of the revolving and spurting column as well as the function of the static pressure afflux, it can be taken as the lesson for other engineering.


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Last Update: 2006-09-20