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Coal Depositional System and Its Controlling Role of Coalbed Methanein Late Paleozonic of Qinshui Basin(PDF)


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Coal Depositional System and Its Controlling Role of Coalbed Methanein Late Paleozonic of Qinshui Basin
JIA Jian-cheng
Xian Branch of China Coal Research Institute, Xian 710054, Shaanxi, China
coalbed methane condition of controlling coalbed methane coal depositional system late Paleozoic Era Qinshui Basin
The main coal-bearing strata in the Qinshui Basin are late Carboniferous Epoch Taiyuan Formation and Early Permin Epoch Shanxi Formation. The No.15 coalbed of Taiyuan Formation and No.3 coalbed in Shanxi Formation, belonging to premium anthracite, are workable seams. Multidisciplinary analysis on genetic facies and their assemblage shows that Taiyuan Formation is made up of epeiric sea barrier island depositional system- carbonate plateau system, No.15 coalbed was formed in tidal delta environment which sustaining a long time of marine regression, and the thickness of No.15 coalbed is thicker in bog of delta plain, thinner in stagnant barchans and stable in barrier bar. Shanxi Formation constitutes of fluvial-dominated delta depositional system, and No.3 coalbed formed is thicker and simple in structure because isostatic compensational deposit lasted for a long time. But the coalbed formed in delta front bar is thinner and is unstable in distributary channel. Indicated by exploratory of coalbed methane in the Qinshui Basin, No.3 coalbed is thicker, the source ability is stronger, preservative condition of coalbed methane is more ascendant, and volume concentration, saturation, resource quantity of coalbed methane is higher than these of No.15 coalbed in the same pilot well. Therefore, No.3 coalbed should be the picking target stratum for producing test and commercial exploration of coalbed methane.


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Last Update: 1900-01-01