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Rare-Earth Element Characters of Jadewares of Jinsha Site in Chengdu and Its Significance for Indicating Material Source(PDF)


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Rare-Earth Element Characters of Jadewares of Jinsha Site in Chengdu and Its Significance for Indicating Material Source
XIANG Fang 1WANG Cheng-shan2JIANG Zhen-dong3ZHANG Qing4LI Kui1LIU Jian1
1. Institute o f Sedimentary Geology, Chengdu University o f Technology, Chengdu, 610059, Sichuan, China; 2. School o f Earth Sciences and Resources, China University o f Geosciences, Beijing, 100083, China; 3. Department o f United Front Work, China Communist Committee o f Chengdu City, Chengdu 610015, Sichuan, China; 4.Chengdu Institute o f Archaeology, Chengdu 610071, Sichuan, China)
Jinsha Site nephrite jadeware rare-earth element characters material source
Based on the analysis of testing results of rare-earth elements of nephrite jadewares of the Jinsha Site in Chengdu, Longxi jade of Wengchuan in Sichuan and Hetian jade in Xinjiang, comparing with former research result of Liangchu jadewares, it is found that Jinsha jadeware has the same rare-earth element character as that of Longxi jade, it is distinctly different from that of Hetian jade or Liangchu jadeware, Jinsha jadeware also has the same character as Longxi jade in macro- features and microscopic features. Therefore,it can be concluded that the main material of most Jinsha jadewares would come from Longxi jade of Wenchuan.


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Last Update: 2008-03-20