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Geochemistry Evidence of Sedimentary Environment of Upper Permian Shiqianfeng Formation , Western Ordos Basin(PDF)


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Geochemistry Evidence of Sedimentary Environment of Upper Permian Shiqianfeng Formation , Western Ordos Basin
ZHANG XiangTIAN Jing-chunCHEN Hong-de HOU Ming-caiHO U Zhong-jianLI Jun-w enLIU Juan
State Key Laboratory o f Oil and Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation, Chengdu University o f Technology, Chengdu 610059, Sichuan, China)
Western Ordos Basin Shiqianfeng Formation sedimentary geochemistry character paleosalinity ox- idation-reduction condition
Based on the studying of sedimentary, biology and geophysical log facies and the character of trace ele- ments and stable isotopes, this paper analyzes the paleosalinity and oxidation-reduction condition of upper Permi- an Shiqianfeng Formation of Western Ordos Basin by the geochemistry methods such as Sr/Ba ratio, Sr/Ba dia- gram, Sa/Ca and Th/ U ratios, sedimentary phosphate method, oxidation-reduction method and carbon-oxygen isotope method. The result indicates that the Shiqianfeng Formation belongs to fresh water deposits of terrestrial lake in the sedimentary environment of aridity, blazing and oxidation. The conclusion is in concordance with the presence of brownish red, violet red and violet-grey clastic rock, specially the red sedimentary layer.


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Last Update: 2008-06-20