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Dynamic Mechanism of Transition from Basin to Plateau in Ordos (PDF)


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Dynamic Mechanism of Transition from Basin to Plateau in Ordos
ZHENG Guo-zhang 12
1. School o f Urban and Environment Science, Shanxi Normal University, Lin fen 041004, Shanxi, China; 2. Department o f Geology, Northwest University, Xian 710069, Shaanxi, China
Cenozoic Era transisional stage from basin to plateau dynamical mechanism tectonic stress filed Ordos Basin
Through analyzing the kinematical characteristics of Asian plate and its adjacent plates during Cenozoic Era, the change of tectonic stress field and the geological evidences of uplift in Ordos Basin, and the dynamic mechanism of the transition from basin to plateau are discussed. It is thought that the driving force for transision from basin to plateau in Ordos during the Cenozoic were derived from the long-source affecting force of the northward movement of Indian plate, the uplift of Tibetan plateau and the westward subduction of Pacific plate. The uplift of Ordos Basin was divided into four stages. During the early period of Cenozoic(65~ 45 Ma BP and 45 ~ 25 Ma BP), Ordos Basin was featured by slow staggered-uplifting. During the late period of Cenozoic(25~ 0.78 Ma BP and 0.78 Ma BP to present), Ordos Basin was featured by rapid staggered uplifting. The frequency of uplifting in Ordos Basin tends to increasing gradually.


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Last Update: 2008-06-20