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Underground Space Resource Evaluation at Central Urban District of Tianjin City(PDF)


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Underground Space Resource Evaluation at Central Urban District of Tianjin City
WANG Yong-li
Tianjin City Institute o f Geological Survey, Tianjin 300191, China)
underground space resource central urban district GIS-Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation Tianjin City
The basic concept and principle of the underground space resource evaluation is described, the natural elements that influence the development of underground space resource in central urban district of Tianjin is ana- lyzed, and the underground space resource is evaluated by adopting GIS-Fuzzy comprehensive evaluating model. Through evaluation, the underground space resource database is established, and the underground space resource distribution diagram is presented, which reasonably reveals the underground space resource available to be devel- oped and used, and also provides the basic datum and scientific support for the comprehensive utilization and plan- ning of underground space in Tianjin.


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Last Update: 2008-06-20