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Mineralogical Characteristics and Petrological Significance of the Tataleng Rapakivi Granite in the Northern Margin of Qaidam Basin (PDF)


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Mineralogical Characteristics and Petrological Significance of the Tataleng Rapakivi Granite in the Northern Margin of Qaidam Basin
HU Neng-gao1WANG Rui2WANG Xiao-xia3SUN Yan-gui4LIN Wei1SHEN Wen-huan5
1.School o f Earth Sciences and Resource, Changan University, Xian 710054, Shaanxi, China; 2.Northwest Mining and Geological Exploration Bureau for Non ferrous Metals, 712 Team, Xianyang 712000, Shaanxi, China; 3.Development and Research Center o f China Geologic Survey Bureau, Beijing 100073, China; 4.The Geologic Survey Department o f Qinghai Province, Xining 810012, Qinghai, China; 5.The Chemical Geological Survey Academy o f Shandong Province, Jinan 250013, Shandong, China)
northern margin of Qaidam basin Tataleng intrusions rapakivi granite A-type granite biotite K- feldspar
Petrographic observations and analyses for dominant minerals indicate that the Tataleng rapakivi granite experienced several stages of crystallization. The earliest stage is the crystallization of plagioclase biotite and quartz. The second stage is the main crystallization stage of the rounded K-feldspar phenocrysts. At the third stage, the crystallization of medium-to coarse-grained matrix minerals is accompanied by the growth of zoned rim of rounded phenocryst. The fine-grained matrix minerals, which distributed in the interstices of the coarser matrix minerals, are the results of the last stage. Biotite at different stages are always rich in iron, and the w(TFeO)/ w(TFeO+ MgO)ratios increase from 0.80 to 0.96 from the earliest stage to the last stage. Exsolved albite lamellas widely distributed in K-feldspars, and the calculated average compositions for rounded phenocrysts, medium-to coarse-grained and fine-grained K-feldspars are Or69. 61Ab29. 59An0. 80, Or71. 50Ab27. 94An0. 56 and Or72. 63Ab26. 47An0. 90, respectively. The An values of plagioclase included in the rounded phenocrysts, medium- to coarse-grained matrix and fine-grained matrix are 25. 98 to 29. 41, 23. 85 to 27. 48 and 11. 94, respectively. The characteristics of dominant minerals are identical with classic rapakivi granite, while the variations in mineral compositions testified an efficient process of crystallization differentiation.


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Last Update: 2008-12-20