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Maturity Evaluation of the Organic Matter of Source Rock in Pingzhuang Depression(PDF)


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Maturity Evaluation of the Organic Matter of Source Rock in Pingzhuang Depression
GAO Yu-juan ZHANG Ya-ming WANG Yu-lin
(School of Resource and Environment Engineering, Liaoning Technical University, Fuxin 123000, Liaoning, China)
rock pyrolysis vitrinite reflectance biological markers maturity thermal evolution Pingzhuang depression
In the coverage of Pingzhuang depression, there are three sets of source rocks named Jiufotang formation, Shahai formation and Fuxin formation. Although much coalfield geological exploration work had been done earlier, the exploration work on petroleum and gas is few up to now. In order to objectively assess the oil and gas resources in Pingzhuang depression, the maturity of organic matter source rock must be judged. In this paper, the thermal evolution characteristics and stages of organic matter in the source rock of Jiufotang formation and Shahai formation in Pingzhuang depression are systemacally studied based on the the analysis of thermal decomposition, vitirnite reflectance and biomarker parameters. It is found that, parameters of source rock in the Pingzhuang depression vary obviously with the variation of burial depth which is characterized by longitudinal continuity and transversal nonuniformity. The maturity of organic matter of source rock in Pingzhuang depression is at the immature-low mature-mature stage, and the source rock of Jiufotang formation is the main rock series creating oil in the basin. Maturity of organic matter of source rock in Silong depression is lower, which has little contribution to the generation of hydrocarbon in the depression.


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Last Update: 2009-03-20