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Numerical Analysis on Motion Mechanism of Highspeed and Long Runout Landslide by Wenchuan Earthquake——Taking Xiejiadianzi Landslide as an Example(PDF)


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Numerical Analysis on Motion Mechanism of Highspeed and Long Runout Landslide by Wenchuan Earthquake——Taking Xiejiadianzi Landslide as an Example
SU Sheng-rui1 ZHANG Yong-shuang2 LI Song1 HAO Li-li1 WANG Kai1 MEI Hai1
(1.School of Geological Engineering and Surveying, Chang'an University, Xi'an 710054, Shaanxi, China; 2.Institute of Geomechanics, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Beijing 100081, China)
landslide numerical simulation motion mechanism Xiejiadianzi Wenchuan Earthquake
In view of Xiejiadianzi highspeed and long runout landslide caused by Wenchuan Earthquake, based on the investigation and analysis on the spot, a two-dimension discrete element numerical simulation model was built, numerical simulation was done by 2D-Block software. Furthermore, motion characteristics of corresponding geologic body at different stages through the thorough analysis of tracking block were discussed. The results indicated that Xiejiadianzi landslide experienced four periods: the instantaneously sliding stage, the intensive colliding cushion stage, the scraping slow down stage and the deposit stage. In order to reveal the occurence regularity of highspeed landslide triggered by Wenchuan Earthquake, the influence laws of three factors including earthquake magnitude, the topography of landslope and the size of rockmass on the landslope to the highspeed landslide were studied. Earthquake magnitude had great influence on the set-out, deformation and destruction and movement of landslope. The greater the earthquake magnitude, the faster the accelerated speed and speed of the sliding, the easier of forming high speed and long runout landslide. The topography of slope also had greater effect on the movement of the sliding mass. Under the certain magnitude and rock mechanics parameters, the size of the rockmass on the landslope had a certain effect on the set-out, deformation and destruction and movement of landslope. With the increasing of the size of rockmass, the speed of the sliding decreased in each stage. However, when the rockmass was broken, it was hard to cast for the sliding movement although it could move. The set-out mechanisms of landslide were summarized as three effects: the progressive and deformation effect, the set-out effect and the acceleration effect.


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Last Update: 2010-09-20