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Study on Regional Adaptability Model for Farming-pastoral Zone in the Northern of China Under Global Change(PDF)


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Study on Regional Adaptability Model for Farming-pastoral Zone in the Northern of China Under Global Change
CHEN Feng-zhen1 JIANG Qi-gang2 YU Xian-shuang1 CUI Han-wen2
(1.Department of Environment and Resource Management, Chifeng University, Chifeng 024000, Inner Mongolia, China; 2.School of Geoexploration Science and Technology, Jilin University, Changchun 130026, Jilin, China)
global change farming-pastoral zone regional adaptability index system framework model
According to the guideline adopted by IHDP's Sixth Open Meeting in 2006, based on sustainable development theory and the formers' achievement in index and framework of environmental ecological evaluation, regional adaptability model “PSRRAD” was built in order to provide reference for regional response to global change. The model was adequate for farming-pastoral zone in the northern of China. The building idea of the model was discussed, parameter was explained, and calculation of evaluation index was introduced. For farming-pastoral zone in the northern of China, the model “PSRRAD” firstly puts forward the concept of quaternary geology vulnerability index after integrating quaternary geology and modern ecological environment research; and firstly shows the concept of farming-pastoral production per unit which could measure the environmental stress of farming-grazing production in farming-pastoral zone. The congenital(or acquired)and natural(or humanistic)factors could be embodied objectively. Ecological environment vulnerability could be developed in time and space dimensions.


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Last Update: 2010-09-20