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Study on Environmental Geology Problem of Surface Weathering of Grotto Statues in Guangyuan Qianfoya, Sichuan(PDF)


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Study on Environmental Geology Problem of Surface Weathering of Grotto Statues in Guangyuan Qianfoya, Sichuan
ZONG Jing-ting12WANG Shu-li3ZHANG Zhong-yong4
1. Department of Tourism and Environment, Xi'an University of Arts and Sciences, Xi'an 710065, Shaanxi,China; 2. Department of Geology, Northwest University, Xi'an 710069, Shaanxi, China; 3. Northwest GeologicalInstitute of Nonferrous Metals, Xi'an 710065
Guangyuan Qianfoya grotto statue temperature humidity rock character weathering mechanism environmental geology
Based on the temperature, humidity, seepage, infrared imaging and rock character tests, the surface of grotto statues and the surrounding environment were monitored, and the rock characters of grotto statues were analyzed in Guangyuan Qianfoya, Sichuan. The results showed that the difference in temperature was 2 ℃-4 ℃ for the deep grotto inside and outside; there was significant relationship between the temperature outside and that within the grotto with 0-40 mm depth; rocks of grotto statues were mainly composed of feldspar, quartz, biotite and clay mineral; water permeability and absorption were high, and the degree of surface weathering was serious. The characteristics of environment and rock revealed the weathering mechanism of grotto statues in Guangyuan Qianfoya. The mechanism was that the angles of stone heritage and small grotto statues were sensitive to temperature, and other parts were insensitive, so that there were microfissuring in the surface rocks of grotto statues under the stress of expansion and contraction; the loose, shell and scales falling in the surface of stone heritage occurred with microfissuring expansion. At the same time, the ways of water infiltration increased and the areas of the water-rock interaction were expanded by microfissuring; the internal structures of rock were damaged by water and crystallization pressures of enhydrite; water chemistry resulted in the formation of soluble salt ions, and the ions gathered on the surface of grotto statues with the water capillary migration, so that the grotto statues were damaged by salting the surface, dying rust and painting layer hollow. Finally, some measurements, which included building eave above the grotto and draining water along the groove in the elevation slope and the top of cliff, were put forward to improving the surface weathering of grotto statues.


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Last Update: 2011-06-20