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Reliability analysis for stability of loess slopes along the northern edge of Bailuyuan, Xi'an(PDF)


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Reliability analysis for stability of loess slopes along the northern edge of Bailuyuan, Xi'an
WANG A-dan WANG Chang-ye LI Ping LI Tong-lu
School of Geological Engineering and Surveying, Chang'an University, Xi'an 710054, Shaanxi, China
loess slope stability coefficient Monte-Carlo Method Duncan Method reliability failure probability
P642.13+1; X141
The sections of 14 loess natural slopes were measured along the northern edge of Bailuyuan, Xi'an, and then the geologic models were built. The parameters of physical mechanics of loess strata in different periods were obtained by in-suit testing and collecting data. Monte-Carlo Method and Duncan Method were used for slope reliability analysis based on the limit state equation of Morgenstern-Price Method. The results showed that the stability coefficients of 14 slopes calculated by Monte-Carlo Method and Duncan Method were 1.11-1.41 and 1.09-1.33 respectively, and the slopes were basically stable-stable; the reliable indicator of slopes calculated by the above methods were 0.56-1.79 and 0.39-1.60 and the failure probabilities of slopes were 3.4%-29.0% and 5.5%-34.8%, respectively; the failure probabilities of 75% slopes were more than 10%, and the failure Likelihoods were high. The statistical results indicated that the relationship between height and gradient of slopes was negative. The landslide shear crack of most dangerous potential slip surface in the low-steep slope was high, and the failure probability was small; when the height of slope was 50 m or more, it was high and slight, the landslide shear crack was low, the failure probability was high, and because of the deep stream trenching, there was highest slope in mudstone from strata N2, and the stability was most poor. The stability coefficients calculated by Duncan Method were a little less than that by Monte-Carlo Method,the failure probabilities calculated by the former were a little more than that by the latter, so the results calculated by the two methods were close. Because of the simple theory and small amount of calculation, Duncan Method was more appropriate for practical engineering.


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Last Update: 2012-03-20