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Evolution of Carbon Isotope in Coal-derived Alkane Gas Under Catalysis of Molybdenum(PDF)


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Evolution of Carbon Isotope in Coal-derived Alkane Gas Under Catalysis of Molybdenum
QIN Yong1 WU Yan-yan2 LIU Jin-zhong3 SHEN Jian1
1. Key Laboratory of Coalbed Methane Resource and Reservoir Formation Process, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou 221116, Jiangsu, China; 2. Petroleum Exploration and Development Institute, East China Company, Sinopec, Nanjing 210011, Jiangsu, China; 3. Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry,Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510640, Guangdong, China
coal molybdenum catalysis alkane gas carbon isotope evolution simulation
In order to understand the mechanism of coal-derived alkane gas under the catalysis of molybdenum(Mo), gas generation simulations from the raw coal sample and Mo-added coal sample were carried out, and the simulated carbon isotopic compositions of monomeric alkane gas were measured, and the evolution pattern of carbon isotope was discussed. The results showed that carbon isotopic composition of methane(δ(13C1))of simulated gas was evolved in two stages whether or not Mo was added, 1.1% of vitrinitereflectance was the demarcation point; there was no obvious evolutionary stage for carbon isotopic composition of ethane(δ(13C2)), but for the Mo-added coal sample, there was a significant change for the δ(13C2), δ(13C2)was heavier than that of raw coal sample in lower maturity stage at first, and then lighter in higher maturity stage; for the Mo-added coal sample, there was a positive carbon isotope series for simulated alkane gas, δ(13C1)was(-25--45)×10-3, δ(13C2)was heavier than -29×10-3, so the Mo-catalytic gas was thermogenic gas from the organic matters in coal. The relationship between carbon isotopic composition and vitrinite reflectance of simulated alkane gas showed that the evolution was different with others' results. Carbon isotopic compositions of different monomeric alkane gases was different for the Mo-added coal sample with the rate of maturity of organic matter, so gas generation was strengthened under the Mo catalyst and the catalysis was more significant during the pyrolysis gas generation. The reason that δ(13C2)was lighter than that of raw coal sample in higher maturity stage for the Mo-added coal sample, could be that Mo catalytic effect improved the generation of pyrolysis gas generation from exinite group in coal.


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Last Update: 2012-09-20