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New Sedimentary Particle Sorting Process Based on Hydrostatic Sedimentation Method(PDF)


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New Sedimentary Particle Sorting Process Based on Hydrostatic Sedimentation Method
GUO Li-cheng WU Jia-bin XIONG Shang-fa YANG Shi-ling
1. Key Laboratory of Cenozoic Geology and Environment, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China; 2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
sedimentary particle hydrostatic sedimentation method siphon with U-shaped head clay silt lognormal distribution sorting process paleoenvironment
Sedimentary particle sorting process has been widely used to reconstruct the changes in paleoenvironment and paleoclimate. Common sorting methods of sedimentary particles are mainly based on Stokes Law; however, physicochemical analysis and scientific conclusions will be different if the sorting methods with varied experiment equipment and processes are applied. Therefore, setting up a trustworthy sorting process is vital for particle sorting. During last two decades, the combination of sieve and sedimentation methods has been increasingly used for sorting and measuring sedimentary particles. The former is applied for sieving for the coarse fractions sorting and well developed, while the latter is based on sedimentation rates for the fine fractions, and the experimental equipment, processes and result evaluating should be improved. For this purpose, based on the principle of hydrostatic sedimentation method, the acetic acid was chosen to remove the carbonate component, the mechanical oscillation was applied to accelerate the chemical reaction, and the siphon with U-shaped head was used to reduce the sorting errors which might derive from the upwelling of coarse particles, and a trustworthy sorting process of hydrostatic sedimentation method was set up. The results reveal that all sorted particles obey the lognormal distribution, and at least 70% sorted particles are posited in the expected particle-size ranges. It is concluded that the presented process is reasonable and can sort the clay and silt particles (the partical size is less than 64 μm) more successfully than the traditional process does. These particles sorted by this process can be further used in other research projects.




Last Update: 2016-09-30