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Tectono-thermal Events of Passive Continental Margin Basins from Syn- to Post-rift Stages(PDF)


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Tectono-thermal Events of Passive Continental Margin Basins from Syn- to Post-rift Stages
LI Gang MEI Lian-fu ZHENG Jin-yun
1. Key Laboratory of Tectonics and Petroleum Resources of Ministry of Education, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan 430074, Hubei, China; 2. CNOOC Deepwater Development Limited, Shenzhen 518054, Guangdong, China
passive continental margin syn-rift stage post-rift stage tectono-thermal event thermal evolution thermal mechanism Pearl River Mouth Basin
Tectono-thermal events are the interactive geological events, which occur between tectonic activities and thermal evolution in the development of the basin. The study on tectono-thermal events of hydrocarbon-bearing basins is of great importance for revealing the dynamics of the basin formation, hydrocarbon generation, expulsion, migration and accumulation. The thermal evolution and mechanism of typical passive continental margin basins in the global from syn- to post-rift stages were discussed; the tectono-thermal modeling research findings in the southern and northern continental margin basins of South China Sea were analyzed contrastively; and the universal laws and possible thermal mechanism of tectono-thermal evolution of passive continental margin basins from syn- to post-rift stages were summarized. The results show that the syn-rift thermal evolution has a good correlation with rifting process of passive continental margin basins; the basin heat flow increases gradually with rifting process, and reaches the peak at the end of syn-rift stage; the thermal dynamic mechanism is primarily relative to the lithospheric thinning; the thermal evolution is a decay process through the whole post-rift stage, but the basin is affected by the surrounding plate tectonic activities and the location, the basin heat flow decreased slowly or increases once again; the characteristics of high heat flow in the deep water areas of Pearl River Mouth Basin are mainly relative to the intense lithospheric thinning and Dongsha movement since Late Miocene; the study on tectono-thermal events of passive continental margin basins in the future should constantly try to construct a new tectono-thermal model, and use tectonics-oriented thoughts to study the deep dynamic process of basin evolution for revealing the tectono-thermal mechanism.




Last Update: 2017-12-15