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Detection, Identification and Deformation Characteristics of Landslide Groups by InSAR in Batang Section of Jinsha River Convergence Zone, China(PDF)


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Detection, Identification and Deformation Characteristics of Landslide Groups by InSAR in Batang Section of Jinsha River Convergence Zone, China
YANG Cheng-sheng1 DONG Ji-hong1 ZHU Sai-nan2 XIONG Guo-hua1
(1. School of Geology Engineering and Geomatics, Chang'an University, Xi'an 710054, Shaanxi, China; 2. China Institute of Geological Environment Monitoring, Beijing 100081, China)
InSAR landslide identification stacking-InSAR technology MSBAS-2D technology deformation monitoring landslide group Gonghuocun landslide Jinsha river
In Jinsha river convergence zone, the structure is broken, weak rock formations are developed, and the geological disasters in super-high position occur frequently. Investigation and monitoring of large-scale landslides in this area is of great significance for disaster reduction and prevention. Taking Batang section of Jinsha river convergence zone as a test area, stacking-InSAR technology was used to investigate and study the potential landslide hazards by using the date of Sentinel-1A satellite from ascending and descending orbits. On this basis, the Zhongxinrong township landslide group was selected as the key research area, and the multi-dimensional small baseline subset(MSBAS)technology was used to obtain the regional two-dimensional deformation rate(horizontal in east-west and vertical)and two-dimensional time series results. Through the analysis of the deformation time series results of four typical landslides, it is found that the horizontal cumulative displacements of Anlikemi landslide, Renniangcun landslide, Gonghuocun landslide 1 and Gonghuosun landslide 2 reach 44.3, -26.6, 65.3 and -77.1 mm within two years, respectively; and the vertical cumulative displacements reach -30.2, -88.3, -80.9 and -56.9 mm, respectively. The above four landslides all show a slow creep deformation trend. By analyzing the relationship between the deformation monitoring two-dimensional time series of Gonghuocun landslide 2 and rainfall data, it is found that strong rainfall has a certain transient impact on the landslide activity. The landslide group is located in the region with fragile geological conditions and strong tectonic activities, which can easily cause landslide instability under the condition of heavy rainfall. Therefore, continuous monitoring is recommended. At the same time, the results have important references significance for landslide investigation and monitoring research in other areas of Jinsha river convergence zone.


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Last Update: 2021-04-15