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Numerical Simulation of Dam-break Flood in Urban Area Based on TELEMAC-2D Model—A Case Study for Longdong Reservoir in Guangzhou, China(PDF)


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Numerical Simulation of Dam-break Flood in Urban Area Based on TELEMAC-2D Model—A Case Study for Longdong Reservoir in Guangzhou, China
DU Li-ya1 WANG Zhao-li12 QI Xu-yang1 LAI Cheng-guang123*
(1. School of Civil Engineering and Transportation, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510641, Guangdong, China; 2. State Key Laboratory of Subtropical Building Science, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510641, Guangdong, China; 3. Guangdong Engineering Technology Research Center of Safety and Greenization for Water Conservancy Project, Guangzhou 510641, Guangdong, China)
dam-break flood 2D numerical simulation urban reservoir TELEMAC-2D model LISFLOOD-FP model WCA-2D model inundated depth
Considering the characteristics of complex terrain and dense buildings in the downstream of urban reservoirs, TELEMAC-2D model, which is a hydrodynamic model based on irregular triangular grid, was adopted to construct a 2D dam-break flood evolution model. Taking Longdong reservoir in Tianhe district of Guangzhou city as a case, the numerical simulation of dam-break flood was conducted, and the simulated results were comprehensively compared with LISFLOOD-FP and WCA-2D models. The results show that when the simulation duration is more than 15 minutes, the inundation volume simulated by TELEMAC-2D model is basically equal to the accumulated outflow of the dam breach based on theoretical computation results, and the relative error is merely 0.26%, which is the smallest among the three models; the flood evolution rule simulated by the three models is basically similar, and the correlation coefficients are not less than 0.92 in the spatial distribution of the simulated maximum water depth, indicating that the simulation results are scientific and reasonable; TELEMAC-2D model can carry out local mesh encryption in built-up areas, considering more details of the complex terrain and showing better performance than LISFLOOD-FP and WCA-2D models. This study can provide reference for numerical simulation, early-warning and prediction, and related work on flood control and disaster reduction of dam-break flood in urban area.


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Last Update: 2022-10-01