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Genetic Classification, Characteristics and Hydrocarbon Occurrenceof Small-scale Petroliferous Basins(PDF)


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Genetic Classification, Characteristics and Hydrocarbon Occurrenceof Small-scale Petroliferous Basins
LIU Chi-yang12* HUANG Lei12 WANG Jian-qiang12 ZHAO Jun-feng12 ZHAO Hong-ge12 ZHANG Dong-dong12 DU Nan12 QIN Yang12
(1. State Key Laboratory of Continental Dynamics, Northwest University, Xi'an 710069, Shaanxi, China; 2. Institute of Oil and Gas Basin, Northwest University, Xi'an 710069, Shaanxi, China)
small-scale petroliferous basin genetic classification remnant small-scale petroliferous basin proto small-scale basin geological characteristic hydrocarbon occurrence
Sedimentary basins are widely distributed on Earth. Among them, the small basins account for their majority. In China, small basins account for over 80% of the total number of basins, while in aspect of the industrial oil and gas reservoirs, the small-scale basins contribute less than 10% which is far less than large and medium-sized basins(>76%). However, the hydrocarbon abundances per unit area(HAPUA)of most small-scale petroliferous basins are high; for some basins characterized by “small but enriched”, the HAPUAs are much higher than large- to medium-sized petroliferous basins, resulting in higher exploration effectiveness. A comprehensive study of 16 small-scale basins containing conventional oil and gas in China was implemented. They aredivided intoremnant and proto small-scale basinsbased on the differences in basin formation mechanisms and dynamic environments. Furthermore, the proto small-scale basins are subdivided intostrike-slip basin, rift basin, and thermal basin. Remnant small-scale petroliferous basins generally undergothree imperative evolutionary stages,includingthe proto-basin construction stage with development of the main source rock, the reformed and remnant stage, and the late buried and hydrocarbon generation stage. The residual source rocks in the proto-basin providea resource foundation, and the deep burial in the late stage isthe key link for hydrocarbon generation and accumulation. The three subtypes of proto small-scale basins, strike-slip, rift, and thermal basins, are all formed and developed in relatively active dynamic environments. They are generally characterized by rapid subsidence and deposition, relatively high geothermal fields, active deep background, and later-stage modification. This dynamic environment results deposition of “small but thick” strata in the basin and forms various structural traps. It also benefits the extraordinary growth and prosperity of organisms, the formation of high-quality source rocks, and hydrocarbon generation and accumulation. There are similarities between the “small but rich” petroliferous basins and the “small rock bodies forming large ore deposits” in terms of the formation dynamic environment and ore-forming theory. The two fields can be compared and mutually referenced in scientific research and academic thinking.


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Last Update: 2024-08-20