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Vertical Distribution Characteristics of Lower Troposphere VOCs and Its Potential Effect on OzoneFormation in the Northern Suburb of Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province, China(PDF)


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Vertical Distribution Characteristics of Lower Troposphere VOCs and Its Potential Effect on OzoneFormation in the Northern Suburb of Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province, China
SHI Shuang-shuang12* ZHU Bin3 SHEN Li-juan12 YANG Si-qi3 WANG Hong-lei3
(1. Key Laboratory of Ecosystem Carbon Source and Sink of China Meteorological Administration, Wuxi University,Wuxi 214105, Jiangsu, China; 2. School of Atmosphere and Remote Sensing, Wuxi University,Wuxi 214105, Jiangsu, China; 3. Key Laboratory for Aerosol-cloud-precipitation of ChinaMeteorological Administration, NanjingUniversity of InformationScience & Technology, Nanjing 210044, Jiangsu, China)
volatile organic compound vertical distribution ozone troposphere photochemical reactionactivity Nanjing
Ozone pollution shows a trend of increasing, but the potential contribution of volatile organic compounds(VOCs)to ozone formation in the vertical direction is still unclear. The vertical distribution characteristics of VOCs and its impact on ozoneformationwere studied based the enhanced sounding data in the lower troposphere(0-1 000 m)from October 17 to November 15, 2020 observed in the northern suburbs of Nanjing city, Jiangsu province.The results show that ① the volume fraction of VOCs((73.4±26.1)×10-9-(50.4±20.3)×10-9)decreases with the increase of height,and alkanes account for the largest proportion(64.3%-71.6%)ateach height,and the proportion ofolefin(3.4%-9.9%)gradually decrease with the increase of height; thereis no significant change in the proportion of aromatics, halohydrocarbons and acetylene; theVOCs accumulate in the lower layer in the morning and evening with a great gradient, and the proportion of alkane increases due to the traffic emissions and lower boundary layer; theVOCs profiles are uniform in the afternoon.② Affected by atmospheric junction, the alkanes andolefindominate the photochemical reactions in the mixing layer, with the loss rate of OH radicals(LOH)of 3.3and 2.7 s-1, accounting for 42.8% and 35.1%, respectively; alkanesand aromatics are the dominant species in the stable boundary layer and residual layer.③ The LOH and ozone formation potential(OFP)of VOCs in the afternoon mixing layer are positively correlated with the ozone volume fraction, which represent the relationship between local VOCs and ozone; however,there is no significant correlation between LOH, OFP and ozone in the stable boundary layer and residual layer in the morning; thecontributions ofVOCs componentswith high reaction activityto OFP are occurred in the low layer, and ethene and propene are the representative components; alkanemakes greater contribution to the photochemical generation of ozone in the upper atmosphere,and the analysis result of X/E ratioreflects higher aging and the characteristics of regional atmospheric. Limiting chemical plant emissions, andimproving vehicle emission standards and fuel quality,are the key to improve ozone pollution in Nanjing.


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Last Update: 2024-08-20