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Triaxial Test of Geocell Reinforced Unsaturated Soil(PDF)


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Triaxial Test of Geocell Reinforced Unsaturated Soil
YIN Xiang-ji12 SONG Fei12* SUN Chuan-di12
(1. School of Highway, Chang'an University, Xi'an 710064, Shaanxi, China; 2. The Key Laboratory of Intelligent Construction and Maintenance of CAAC, Chang'an University, Xi'an 710064, Shaanxi, China)
geocell unsaturated soil triaxial test soil-water characteristic curve substrate suction shear strength
In order to explore the deformation and failure characteristics of reinforced unsaturated soil structure, soil-water characteristic curves of unsaturated soil were tested; stress-strain curves of unsaturated soil and reinforced soil with matrix suctions of 30 kPa, 80 kPa and 130 kPa, respectively under different confining pressures were measured based on the consolidated drainage triaxial test; deformation modulus and shear strength indexes of soil and reinforced soil under different matrix suctions were compared and analyzed; based on the triaxial test results, the confining pressure of geocell on unsaturated soil was analyzed. The results show that with the increase of axial strain and the decrease of confining pressure, the increase of deformation modulus of reinforced soil in geocell gradually increases; the effective internal friction angle of unsaturated soil is less affected by the reinforcement effect of the geocell; due to the restraint effect of the geocell, the cohesion of the reinforced soil and the internal friction angle reflecting the contribution of matrix suction to the strength increase; with the increase of matric suction and the decrease of confining pressure of unsaturated soil, the deformation modulus and apparent cohesion of reinforced soil in geocell increase gradually due to the enhancement of dilatancy trend.


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Last Update: 2025-01-20