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Study on the framework of management and service system for urban 3D geological data(PDF)


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Study on the framework of management and service system for urban 3D geological data
ZHU Liang-fengWU Xin-caiLIU Xiu-guo
School of Information Engineering , China University of Geosciences , Wuhan 730074 , China
3D GIS urban geology geological data information systemWeb GIS3D geology modeling
Management and service of urban geological data is one of the most important tasks in the project of Digital City , and 3D GIS will play a key role in setting up digital cities .This paper introduces the research status and the future application about 3D GIS .The authors design a management and service system for urban geological data based on 3D GIS, and discuss the frame of system designs, structures and functions.The study of 3D data structure is the core of all the questions during the exploitation of 3D GIS.Because we have not discover an effective 3D data structure to describe 3D geological data , today' s GIS has the shortage to the management and spatial analysis of 3D data , and it is almost impossible to the visualization of very complex 3D geological data .Based on the review of current 3D geology modeling related to 3D geological data , the authors give a new data structure to describe the urban data .It is a kind of hybrid data structure based on TIN and TEN, and we think it is an efficient way to solve the current problem .For the characteristics and requirement of urban geological data , the paper further discusses some key problems met in the carrying out of the system , such as the data acquisition, management of very largescale database , the broadcast of urban geological information through Web, etc.All above present the feasible and complete way to the implementation of the system.


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Last Update: 2004-03-20