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Structure deformation and metallogenic prognosis of gold ore zone in Jueluotage of Eastern Tianshan(PDF)


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Structure deformation and metallogenic prognosis of gold ore zone in Jueluotage of Eastern Tianshan
GONG Xiao-ping 13YANG Xing-ke 2CHEN Qiang 2LI Zuo-chen 2
1.Institute ofthe Integrated Information Minerals Predict,Jilin University,Changchun 130026, China;2.School of Earth Sciences and Resources Management,Chang′an University,Xi′an 710054, China;3.Information center ofLand Resources ofXinjiang Uygur Autonomou
Eastern TianshanKangg uertage brittleness-ductility deformational transform ductile shear zone metallogenic prognosis Xinjiang
Feature of structure deformation is obvious in Jueluotage gold ore zone of Eastern Tianshan,its transverse belting divides into three deformation daughterbelts. Difference of fabric pattern show strike segmenting. Brittleness-ductility deformational trans- form zone is a widely spread during development and evolution of ductile shear zone. Brittle-ductile deformation transfer process is controlled by many kinds of dynamics function,which make the multi-deformation pattern coexi stence, that there are microbreak, cataclastic flow and intracrystal slip. There are two kinds of transformation processes, which one is deformation connecting on macroscopic during the various sphere and another one is deformation opening and closure in the main geologic body on microscopic make fluid strong circulation convection in the brittleness-ductility deformational transform zone, and enriching metallogenic. In recent years we have already found a series of gold ore deposits distributed at the brittleness-ductility deformational transform zone nearly 85% in this area, numerical simulation show the brittleness-ductility deformational transform zone controlled the gold ore deposit, and tensional dilatancy structure controlled gold orebody. This already became an important feature and universal laws of ore- control in the shear deformation zone in the area.


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Last Update: 2004-06-20