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Tectono-thermal event in west foreland basin of Ordos and its effects on oil-gas migration(PDF)


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Tectono-thermal event in west foreland basin of Ordos and its effects on oil-gas migration
WAN Cong-liFU Jin-huaZHANG Jun
Research Institute of Exploration and Development,Changqing Oilfield Company,Xi’ an 710021,China
west of Ordos foreland basin tectono-thermal event oil-gas migration
The tectono-thermal event was demonstrated to have taken place in the west foreland basin of Ordos in the Meso- zoic by using the methodology related to tectonics, lithology, mineralogy and palaeothermal evolvement history. It was coe- val with the main time of hydrocarbon generation of source rocks in the basin. Moreover, this event not only produced a great deal of fissures in source rocks, which provided good passages for hydrocarbon excluding from those rocks and oil ga- ses migrating within layers, but also served as a powerful drive to the oil gas migration. As a result, both of excluding and migrating rates of hydrocarbon were increased greatly, and the migration and distribution of oil gases manifested certain laws. This suggests that the tectono-thermal event acted as an important hydrocarbon-generating process as well as an im- portant oil-gas storing one.


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