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Surrounding rock stabilization of Baihuashan Tunnel of Si-Xiao express way in Yunnan Province(PDF)


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Surrounding rock stabilization of Baihuashan Tunnel of Si-Xiao express way in Yunnan Province
LüYuan-qiangSU Sheng-ruiAN Guang-mingGUO She-feng
School of Geological Engineering and Surveying Engineering,Chang’ an University,Xi’ an 710054,China
highway tunnel stabilization geology sketch failure and deformation of surrounding rocks Yunnan Province
With the increasing of tunnel construction,tunnel’ s safety and stability are even important. Especially,the problem of safety and stability of some tunnels with shallow ambush, softing surrounding rocks and short length are paid close atten- tion.The paper is based on the fact that center-tunnel of Baihuashan Tunnel is excavated. In the course of excavating, failure detailed geology description was including properties of rock,structure, ground water, failure and deformation of slope and surrounding rocks from which exhaustive knowledge about the geology of the tunnel was got. According to the description and analysis, reasonable suggestions and conclusions were proposed.They have important significance to unsure the safety and stability of the tunnel in after working on,and have also some reference value to other tunnels.


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