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Characteristics of gold deposits in Zhen’ an-Xunyang Basin and gold resources targeting(PDF)


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Characteristics of gold deposits in Zhen’ an-Xunyang Basin and gold resources targeting
SHI Guang-deLIU Xin-huiZHANG Yong-wenLIU Shuang ZHANG Zhi-yi
The Fifth Branch Party, The Gold Geological Party of CAPF, Xi’ an 710100, China
gold deposits geological feature metallogenic condition Zhen’an-Xunyang Basin Shaanxi
Both northern and southern flanks of the Jinjiling Syncline in the Zhen’an-Xunyang Basin belong to an important gold vei- ning belt. To date within the belt, three type gold deposits are recognized as the clastic-carbonate rock-hosted disseminated(Jinlong- shan), albite breccia(Ertaizi)and quartz vein-altered rocks(Niujiagou). The auriferous minerals mainly comprised pyrite, arsenic pyrite, chalcopyrite, arsenopyrite and calcite. Gold was dominated by the natural Au element and less frequently it also contained certain silver. Three Devonian formations, namely Middle Devonian Gudaoling(D2g), Upper Devonian Nanyangshan(D3n)and Xinghongpu(D3x), acted as the major hosting sequences of gold deposits in the study area,and some gold deposits were also hosted by the Yuanjiagou Formation(C1y)of Lower Carboniferous age. Nearly EW-orientated shearing zones controlled the distribution of ore bodies, and the main alteration was identified by pyritization, chalcopyritization, arsenopyritization, mercury and antimony min- eralization, silicification and calcitization. The Au, As, Sb and Hg association hence was indicative of gold deposits. On the basis of the geological setting of the northern and southern flanks of the Jinjiling Synclinorium and synthetic analyses of gold metallogeny, the Xilingpo-Dingjiashan Anticline(north zone)as the east extension of the Jinlongshan-Qiuling Gold Belt, Sixiakou-Ertianmen(middle zone)and the Renhekou-Gongguan-Huilong Hg- and Sb-bearing Synclinorium(south zone)were proposed as important targets for locating gold resources.


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Last Update: 1900-01-01