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Water resource, environment and sustainable development of Minqin Basin(PDF)


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Water resource, environment and sustainable development of Minqin Basin
LI ZHI-pei12YUE Le-ping 2XU E Xiang-x u2TIAN Chun-sheng3LU Feng1
1. Xi' an Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources, Xi' an 710054, China; 2. Department of Geology, Northwest University, Xi' an 710069, China; 3. School of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Chang' an University, Xi' an 710054, China
Minqin County water resources environment changes sustainable development strategy
Located in the lower reaches of Shiyanghe Riverin the eastern part of Hexi Corridor,Gansu Province, the rate of land de- sertification development in Minqin Basin has been paid many attentions. For the purpose of social economic and environment sus- tainable development, the use of water resource and the improvement of environment is discussed. The using of water resource and the evolution of environmentin the basin may be divided into three stages.Since the late 1970s,massive and intemperate exploitation of groundwater in the whole irrigation districtinduced by population explosion and barren land reclaim are the main cause of high rate of soil salinization and sandy desertification. The principals of social and economic sustainable development and the strategies for en- vironment developing and water resource usage are proposed on the basis of researches above.


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Last Update: 1900-01-01