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Sr-isotope Composition and Evolvement in Sea Water Over Past 100 Ma and Control Factors(PDF)


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Sr-isotope Composition and Evolvement in Sea Water Over Past 100 Ma and Control Factors
HUANG Cheng-gang12HUANG Si-jing1WU Su-juan1CHEN Qi-lin2
1. State Key Laboratory of Oil /Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation, Chengdu University of Technology, Chengdu 610059, Sichuan, China; 2.Nortwest Institute of Geology, PetroChina, Lanzhou 730020, Gansu, China
Sr-isotope composition in sea water over the past 100 Ma geological events uplift of Himalaya-Ti- bet global sea-level change
The Sr-isotope composition and evolvement in sea water since 100 Ma and the controlling factors are dis- cussed. The sea water 87Sr/86Sr ratios in the period of 40~ 100 Ma have some fluctuations with smaller extent. The sea water 87Sr/86Sr ratios have increased rapidly and monotonously since 40 million years. The following factors controlled the Sr-isotope composition and evolvement in sea water since 100 Ma: the possible impact of extraterrestrial object; the global sea-level change and the spread rate of the mid-oceanic ridge; the uplift of Himalaya-Tibet; the eruption of major continental flood basalts and glaciations. Among of above factors, the uplift of Himalaya-Tibet plays an important role in the evolution of seawater 87Sr/86Sr ratios for the last 40 Ma. The starting time for the Himalayan-Tibet uplift should be at 40 Ma BP, and the most rapid period of the uplift took place during 20~ 15 Ma.


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Last Update: 2006-06-20