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Analysis on Economic Loss Caused by Air Pollution in Center City of Guanzhong Region in Shaanxi Province(PDF)


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Analysis on Economic Loss Caused by Air Pollution in Center City of Guanzhong Region in Shaanxi Province
DONG Xiao-linLI Jiao-naCAO Guang-hua
School of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Chang' an University, Xi' an 710054, Shaanxi, China
region center city air pollution economic loss Shaanxi Province
City is the center of politics, economy, culture, science and education in the human society, and city group is the power to region development. The fast development of social economy of a region may produce strong pressure on environment, create influence and the restriction on the social economy development in fur- ther. The economic loss caused by environmental pollution is one of the main restriction factors. On the basis of investigation and statistics to the center city' s development and the environment condition in Guanzhong region of Shaanxi Province, by applying the principle and method of environment economic analysis like market value law, human capital law, opportunity cost law and so on, the economic loss to five center cities caused by air pollution is estimated. The results provide an important basis to the sustainable development of region city.


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Last Update: 2006-06-20