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Petrography Feature of Yingfeng Rapakivi Granite Body in North Margin of Qaidam Basin(PDF)


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Petrography Feature of Yingfeng Rapakivi Granite Body in North Margin of Qaidam Basin
U Neng-gao1SHEN Wen-huan1WANG Xiao-xia2 SUN Yan-g ui3CAI Huan-huan1CHEN Yun-jie1
1. School of Earth Sciences and Resources Management, Chang’ an University, Xi’an 710054, Shaanxi, China; 2. Center of Development and Research, China Geology Survey Bureau, Beijing 100073, China; 3. Qinghai Province Institute of Geology Survey, Xining 810012, Qinghai, China
rapakivi texture rapakivi granite Yingfeng rock body structural belt of north margin of Caidam ba- sin mid-Proterozoic
According to field investigation, the Yingfeng rapakivi granite is formed in mid-Proterozoic and located between shear belts as a lentiform in the structural belt of north margin of Qaidam basin. There are also diabase dyke and quartz diorite digoclase trondhjemite vein of the same time, which show a character of bimodal magmatic association. In the granite body, pyterlitic texture is very common, and, ovoid megacrystal composed by K-feld- spars which has a megacryst content of 50% to 60%, size about 2 cm to 3 cm, aggregation of several crystals and very intense exsolution effect is very developed. In matrix, medium-coarse grains, fine grains and micrographic texture are the main texture. Quartz and K-feldspar can be divided into two generations, but biotite crystallized later. According to the content of minerals, they belong to quartz syenite and quartz monzonite. Compared with the typical rapakivi granite, Yingfeng complex is characterized by smaller exposing area, monotonous rock types, larger megacryst content, even megacryst size, diversified matrix texture, and obvious deformation and metamor- phism. These characters may be caused mainly by the reforming in Caledonian period and partially by the mag- matic effect of mid-Proterozoic in this area.


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Last Update: 2006-12-20