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Resource Distribution and Available Block of High Quality Coal in Ordos Coal Basin(PDF)


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Resource Distribution and Available Block of High Quality Coal in Ordos Coal Basin
GU Guang-mingLI Xiao-yanJIN Xiang-lan
Xi’an Branch, China Coal Research Institute, Xi’an 710054, Shaanxi, China
high quality coal resource distribution available block Ordos coal basin
After studying the high quality coal resource and its properties in the Ordos coal basin, the definition of high quality coal is given. According to research results on explorations and coal accumulations in the Ordos coal basin, the distribution range of the high quality coal is determined which includes ten coal mines, i.e., Dongsh- eng, Yuheng, Dabaodang, Majiatan, Shenbei, Lingwu, Binchang, Hua’ an, Huangling and Rujigou, and seven prediction areas, i.e., Otog, Hanggin, Yanchi, Jingding, Huanxian, Qingyang and Xundong. The total distri- bution area of high quality coal is 11.1× 104 km2 and the resource amount is 1.44× 1012 t. Three indicative index, including the coal area, the abundance and the amount of the coal resource are chosen to evaluate the high quality coal resource of the Ordos coal basin and the whole area is divided into four different levels,that is, the most a- vailable, the available, the less available and the ecumenic block. The distribution map of the evaluation on the high quality coal resource of the Ordos coal basin is drawn.


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Last Update: 2006-12-20