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Universality and Life Dynamics of Sheath Fold-Type Structure and Movement Mode(PDF)


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Universality and Life Dynamics of Sheath Fold-Type Structure and Movement Mode
YANG Zhi-hua
School of Earth Sciences and Resources Management, Chang’ an University, Xi’an 710054, Shaanxi, China
sheath fold structure movement mode universality life dynamics
Sheath fold-type structure and movement mode is not only present in ductile shear zone, but also exist widely in nature and living nature. It is the manifestation of everything on earth and the universal mode of move- ment, and the ligament and bridge between inorganic and organic world, plant and animal. The ceaseless varia- tion of sheath fold-type structure and movement mode is the dominant factor of the development and evolution of life, and another new discovery after the discovery of DNA double helical structure in life sciences.


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Last Update: 2006-12-20