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Application of Prediction Model of Hazard Range about Debris Flows around Dongchuan Zone in Kunming(PDF)


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Application of Prediction Model of Hazard Range about Debris Flows around Dongchuan Zone in Kunming
LI Kuo1TANG Chuan2
1.School of Resource Enivironment and Earth Science, Yunnan University, Kunming 650091, Yunnan, China; 2.State key Laboratory o fGeohazard Prevention and Geoenvironment Protection, Chengdu University of Technology, Chengdu 610069, Sichuan, China
debris flow cities multiple regression analysis hazard range Kunming
Based on the experiment data of hazard range model of debris flows, this paper set up the prediction model of hazard range of debris flows by application of the methodology of multiple regression analysis and the examines the results by errors of the equations. The studied area is located in Dongchuan zone in Kunming city. Using the prediction model of hazard range of debris flows, this paper calculates and obtains the hazard range of the above three debris flow valleys of the area. The research results provides methodology for the prevention and reduction of hazard.


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Last Update: 2006-12-20