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Geological Estimation of Denuded Strata Comeback of Xishanyao Formation in Junggar Basin(PDF)


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Geological Estimation of Denuded Strata Comeback of Xishanyao Formation in Junggar Basin
WANG Min-fangLI Ping-ping
School of Earth Resources, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan 430074, Hubei, China
strata antithesis sedimentary ratio analysis denudation thickness Xishanyao Formation Junggar Basin
Strata antithesis and sedimentary ratio analysis methods are used in the estimation of denuded strata comeback of Xishanyao Formation in Junggar basin. Strata antithesis method uses two dimension seismic data to comeback the plane distribution character of Xishanyao Formation, and sedimentary ratio analysis method uses well geological layer and precise chronology framework data to comeback well denudation thickness. The results show that these methods gain the similar denudation thickness with absolute error less than 50 m, and relative er- ror limited in 20%. The denudation thickness of Xishanyao Formation in Junggar basin varies from 100 m to 400 m, increases from northeast to southwest, and may reaches more than 400 m in the south most of Junggar basin.


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Last Update: 1900-01-01