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Experimental Study on Swelling Property of Subgrade Soil in a First-Class Highway(PDF)


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Experimental Study on Swelling Property of Subgrade Soil in a First-Class Highway
GUO Jun-hui1YAN Chang-hong 1XIA Liang-bin2 WA NG Xin-ming3ZHENG Jun1LIA NG Qing-y u1
1.Department of Earth Sciences, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, Jiangsu, China; 2. Eastern Alliance Construction Engineering Limited Company, Xi’an 710075, Shaanxi, China; 3. Suzhou Highway Construction Headquarters, Suzhou 215007, Jiangsu, China
silt soil filled soil swelling property evaluation subgrade
Based on the experimental study on water contents, liquid limit, plastic limit, particle composition, mineral content, free expansive ratio and swell-shrink total ratio of the filled soil in a first-class highway, this pa- per evaluates the property of the subgrade soil by using the plasticity chart and considering various indices.It is concluded that the filled soil is silt soil with high liquid limit and plastic limit, which has the low swelling proper- ty in natural state.According to the results of the compaction test and bearing ration test, it is discovered that the filled soil also has the swelling property after being compressed, which may result in the crack of the subgrade with the change of the water contents.


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Last Update: 1900-01-01