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Main Controlling Factors forOil Displacement Efficiency by Single Sand Body in Meandering River Channel(PDF)


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Main Controlling Factors forOil Displacement Efficiency by Single Sand Body in Meandering River Channel
SHAN Jing-fu1JI You-liang1SHI Rong 1ZHANG Yan2
1. School of Ocean and Earth Sciences, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China; 2. School of Earth Sciences, Petroleum Institute of Daqing, Daqing 613318, Heilongjiang, China
residual oil configuration of thin interbeds oil displacement efficiency vertical permeability discrep- ancy gravitational differentiation point bar of meandering
In order to improve oil displacement efficiency of infusing agents and precisely to predict the three dimensional distribution about residual oil, taking the sand body of PⅠ 2 individual meandering river-channel in Putaohuareservior of Daqing Oilfield as an example, by analyzing the thin interbeds and vertical permeability discrepancy, this paper brings forward the space configuration of the thin interbeds in single sand body, the vertical permeability distribution and gravi- tational differentiation which control the distribution of residual oil and the vertical multisection model of displacement ef- ficiency in the condition of excluding exploitation factors and identical single sand-body,.


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