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Geological Hazard Effect in Loess Plateau due to Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Uplift(PDF)


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Geological Hazard Effect in Loess Plateau due to Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Uplift
MA Run-yongPENG Jian-bingYUAN Zhi-dongDI Hai-yan
School of Geological Engineering and Surveying, Chang'an University, Xi'an 710054, Shaanxi, China
Qinghai-Tibet plateau uplift loess plateau geological hazard tectonic erosion
The coupling among the Qinghai-Tibet plateau uplift and strong monsoon effect in East Asia, structure deformation and staggered uplift of the loess plateau and its tectonic erosion is studied. The results indicate that Qinghai-Tibet plateau uplift have arose multi-geological hazards, and the uplift of loess plateau have induced gravitative, trace to the source and water-flow erosion. The structural deformation has resulted in structural crevices and joints in loess, increased the erosional rate of the loess, and accelerated the collapse and landslide of the loess. Soil erosion is the most intense in large tectonic deformation zones, active fault zones and seismic zones.


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Last Update: 1900-01-01