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Classification,Distribution and Forming Setting of Massive Sulfide Deposits(PDF)


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Classification,Distribution and Forming Setting of Massive Sulfide Deposits
LI Wen-yuan
Xian Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources, Xian 710054, Shaanxi, China
massive sulfide deposits metallogenic types world distributions metallogenic evolution metallogenic forming settings
The metallogenic setting and classification of massive sulfide deposits is generalized from the global eyeshot, the importance of oceanic and island arc or continental environments to classifications of the ore deposits is emphasized, and the complexity of a transitional mineralization in the transition of metallogenic setting from oceanic crust into continental crust is discussed, the geological distribution and metallogenic characteristics of massive sulfide deposits in the global continental blocks and primary organic belts are analyzed. It is found that the amount of massive sulfide deposits in the southern hemisphere is more than that in the northern hemisphere, and Archaeozoic and Cenozoic-Mesozoic Eras are major metallogenic epochs for the massive sulfide deposits, and Late Palaeozoic next, but in China, Early Palaeozoic is more important which is different visibly from the conditions of the globe. The metallogenic evolution and forming setting of the global massive sulfide deposits are analyzed. The importance of studying the oceanic environments of back-arc basins in geological histories to find the deposits is fut forword, a method applying high field strength elements to discriminate tectonic setting of the deposits is introduced.


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Last Update: 1900-01-01