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Application of Hopfield Neural Network on the Base of ALR in the Height Fitting(PDF)


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Application of Hopfield Neural Network on the Base of ALR in the Height Fitting
LIU Rui-chun1NIE Jian-liang2LIAO Shun-shan3
1. Centre of Forecast, Shanxi Province Administration of Earthquake, Taiyuan 030021, Shanxi, China; 2. School of Geological Engineering and Surveying, Changan University, Xian 710054, Shaanxi, China; 3. Road and Bridge Southern China Engineering Limited Company, Zhongshan 528403, Guangdong, China
Hopfield neural network regularization augmented Lagrangian activation function energy function
The height fitting of Hopfield neural network based on augmented Lagrangian with regularization ispresented. A numerical example shows that the method can greatly improve the efficiency and reliability of neural network.


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Last Update: 1900-01-01