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Experiment of Monitoring Transport Nano-scale Colloids in Porous Media Using High-Density Electrical Resistivity Method(PDF)


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Experiment of Monitoring Transport Nano-scale Colloids in Porous Media Using High-Density Electrical Resistivity Method
LI Guo-shan12ZHO U Qi-y ou1LIU Han-le1
1.Department o f Earth Sciences, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, Jiangsu, China; 2.Changtian International Engineering Corporation, Changsha 410007, Hunan, China)
nano-scale colloid electrical resistivity method transport colloid porous medium contaminant sand column
Based on column experiments in laboratory, the transport properties of nano-scale colloids in sand por- ous media are monitored by a high-density electrical resistivity prospecting system. The electrical conductivity breakthrough curves of colloids and tracers at the end of the column are compared. The result indicates that the transport of nano-scale colloids in porous media is similar to the conservative tracers, and both can be fitted by the one dimensional convection dispersion equation. Comparision of the breakthrough curves of measured points at different electrode sections, different electrode intervals at the same section and the vertical direction demon- strates that electrical resistivity method can be used to monitor the colloid transport in the porous medium. Break- through curves of different electrode intervals at the same electrode sections are simimlar, and the time of the so- lution fronts which arrives at the same eletrode section for different measured points is close, and it demonstrates that the porous media it is highly homogeneous. Meanwhile, high-density electrical resistivity method can dynam- ically reflect the characteristics of the transport of nano-scale colloids in the sand column.


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Last Update: 2008-03-20