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Water-Rock Interaction During Evolution of Alkalescent Coal Mine Drainage(PDF)


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Water-Rock Interaction During Evolution of Alkalescent Coal Mine Drainage
BAI Guo-liangLIANG Bing
School o f Mechanics and Engineering, Liaoning Technical University, Fuxin 123000, Liaoning, China)
alkalescent coal mine drainage water quality evolution hydrogeology geochemistry water-rock interaction
Because fresh water resource is relatively shorter in China and the water resource has been polluted in certain degrees by the coal mining,the water-rock interaction during the evolutiont of the alkalescent coal mining drainage in the coal mining condition of Fuxin mining areas is studied according to the principle of hydrogeology and hydrogeochemistry. The results show that the alkali properties of the rock and low sulfur content of coal make drainage pH is bigger than 7, that shows alkalescent. The alkalescent condition reduces the mass concentration of iron ions and fastens the nitration reaction of ammonia nitrogen, and leads to the concentration of nitrate. It is thought that the property of drainage maybe the main reason that fluorin ions concentrate beyond the standard. Therefore the rock mass geochemistry characteristic is the main reason that forms the alkalescent coal mine drainage in this area, and water-rock interaction has an important impact on the component change of the coal mine drainage.


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Last Update: 2008-06-20