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Vase-shaped Microfossils from Weng' an Biota(PDF)


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Vase-shaped Microfossils from Weng' an Biota
REN Cai-yun1LIU Lian-qun2ZHOU Yu-hua1GUO Jun-feng2YANG Wei-xian2LI Yong2
1.Guizhou Wengfu Phosphorus Ore, Fuquan 550508, Guizhou, China; 2.Key Laboratory for Western Mineral Resources and Geological Engineering o f the Ministry o f Education, Chang' an University, Xi' an 710054, Shaanxi, China)
vase-shaped microfossil protozoa Weng'an biota Doushantuo period Neoproterozoic
Some vase-shaped microfossils from the late Neoproterozoic Doushantuo phosphorites of Guizhou Province, South China, are reported. The vase-shaped microfossils are morphologically attributed to two genera and three species. They resemble to the vase-shaped microfossils from the Early Cambrian Kuanchuanpu biota of southern Shaanxi Province in terms of the microstructure and chemical components of the fossil walls. Microscopic observation indicates that the walls of the vase-shaped fossils from both Weng' an biota and Kuanchuanpu biota are of either single-layer or multi- layers, and of calcium phosphate in chemical composition. Also, the vase-shaped fossils show some close similarities in size and general contour to the vase-shaped fossils from Neoproterozoic Gaojiashan biota. The discovery of the vase- shaped microfossils from the Doushantuo phosphorite may not only enrich our knowledge of the Neoproterozoic protozoans in the Weng'an biota, but also throw much light on the early evolution and diversification of protests of the boundary between Precambrianand Cambrian.


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Last Update: 2008-09-20