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Modelling Method for Cross-hole Seismic Based on VTI Model(PDF)


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Modelling Method for Cross-hole Seismic Based on VTI Model
ZHANG Wen-bo1GUO Min1LI Gui-hua2
1. Research Center o f Geophysical Prospecting Technology, Bureau o f Geophysical Prospecting, Zhuozhou 072751, Hebei, China; 2. School o f Geological Science and Engineering, Shandong University o f Science and Technology, Qingdao 266510, Shandong, China)
cross-hole seismic modelling method VTI medium phase velocity group velocity
Aiming to this problem that the feature of anisotropy is prominent and extensive for cross-hole seismic wave field and the conventional modelling method based on isotropy theory cant meet the needs of high accuracy and resolution imaging for cross-hole seismic data anymore, this paper theoretically analyzes the wave characteristic in VTI medium and presents a modelling method for VTI medium. Using the model established by this method, the modelling result of synthetic cross-hole seismic recorded by finite difference method is well coincident with the real cross-hole seismic records in both kinematical and dynamical characteristic, which proves the availability of this method.


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Last Update: 2008-09-20