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Development and Problems in Spatial Data Mining Method(PDF)


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Development and Problems in Spatial Data Mining Method
HU Sheng-wuLI Kun-peng
School o f Surveying and Land In formation Engineering, Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo 454000, Henan, China
spatial data mining method review
By adopting the methods of inducing and summarizing, this paper studies the characteristic and by using range of every kind method for spatial data mining, points out the limitation and faults at present, probes into the problems of spatial data mining now. It is thought that the spatial data mining is a very young and good foreground research field at present although some elementary achievements have been obtained and there are many problems in theory and method that needs to be studied. The development of spatial data mining in the future is given.


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Last Update: 2008-09-20